plotthis - High-Level Plotting Built Upon 'ggplot2' and Other Plotting Packages
Provides high-level API and a wide range of options to create stunning, publication-quality plots effortlessly. It is built upon 'ggplot2' and other plotting packages, and is designed to be easy to use and to work seamlessly with 'ggplot2' objects. It is particularly useful for creating complex plots with multiple layers, facets, and annotations. It also provides a set of functions to create plots for specific types of data, such as Venn diagrams, alluvial diagrams, and phylogenetic trees. The package is designed to be flexible and customizable, and to work well with the 'ggplot2' ecosystem. The API can be found at <https://pwwang.github.io/plotthis/reference/index.html>.
Last updated 16 days ago
5.46 score 34 stars 2 scripts 812 downloads
gglogger - Track 'ggplot2' Calls
Provides a way to log 'ggplot' component calls, which can be useful for debugging and understanding how 'ggplot' objects are created. The logged calls can be printed, saved, and re-executed to reproduce the original 'ggplot' object.
Last updated 5 months ago
3.95 score 3 stars 4 scripts 557 downloads